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Cyndi´s List of Genealogy sites on the internet. Links to the entire world.
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Historical danish cemeteries of the United States Virgin Islands (Former Danish West Indies).
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The Genealogy Society of Norway (Slekt og Data) is Norway’s largest voluntary organization for those who are interested in family history. The society was founded in 1990
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DIS is a nonprofit organization with the purpose of investigating and developing the possibilities to use computers in genealogy. We are probably one of the world's oldest societies for Computer Genealogy.
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This site contains information about genealogical research in Scandinavia.
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Swedish Roots, the English section of the site Rötter (Swedish for Roots). The site is owned and run by The Federation of Swedish Genealogical Societies and Swedish Roots is meant to guide English speaking visitors into the particulars of Swedish family history.
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The Swedish National Archives are one of Sweden´s oldest public authorities, 400 years old. We collect and preserve records from government, public bodies, organisations and individuals from the Middle Ages onwards. One of our missions is to make this cultural heritage available. We have archives in several locations in Sweden.
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Scanian Genealogical Society.
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Passenger lists transcribed.
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Demographical Database for Southern Sweden
Our long-range aim is that all churchrecords concerning birth, marriage and death from Skåne, Blekinge and Halland will be registered and free of charge to search on the Internet. To a large extent the churchrecords covers the years 1650-1900.
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Blekinge Family Research Association is a non-profit county-wide association for family and home-based researchers.
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Is a regional association for DIS (computer help in genealogy) for Skåne, Blekinge and southern Halland
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Österlens Family and Research Association
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Family researcher association for Ystad in Sweden
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Malmö family researcher association
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Free searchable database for genealogy
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The Digital Archives present archive documents in digital form. You can search through structured data, read full-text print outs or browse through pictures or listen to digitised recordings. The Digital Archives are free to use, and open to all.
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The National Archives of Norway
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Welcome to Nunatta Katersugaasivia Allagaateqarfialu - Greenland National Museum and Archives.
Here you can read more about the museum’s collections and exhibitions, as well as Greenland’s intangible cultural heritage. The archive's digitalised Church ledgers are found here.
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Ancestors search - Library and Archives Canada
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The Soldier’s register is a national database freely available for all with an Internet connection
The database comprises The Younger Allotment System with soldiers enlisted between 1682 and 1901. The database is not complete and new soldiers are registered continuously and new information is added about already register soldiers. Duplicates may occur in the database but these will be removed with time as the data are continuously processed by the local registers. At the local register there might be more information about the soldier and the croft. Contact the local register for more information. The contact information is available in the national database in the full record of the soldier. The selection of fields in the database is limited by copyright issues. The local register owns the copyright of their posts and the information is protected by Swedish copyright law (upphovsrättslagen).
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Finland's Family History Association (FFHA) was founded in 2004. The goal of our association is to provide an online source of archived materials such as communion books, census records etc. for everyone interested in genealogy.
The project is run by volunteers. You too can help! If you want to supply your local library or genealogical society with leaflets about FFHA, a PDFfile can be found on our member pages. You can also request the file by sending an email to info (at) sukuhistoria.fi
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Bornholm probates before 1845 entered by John Christensen in Helsinge